Hi Rodger!

>>> Has anyone use Outlook to send out a mass e-mail? <<<

Yes, refer to http://www.CalvinSmithSoftware.com/HowToMassEmailSnippet.htm for an example of mass-emailing and/or see http://www.CalvinSmithSoftware.com/massemail.htm for a tool that will handle that need for you.

I've seen the profile prompt pop up before, when I created a MAPI session object, however, the above solution hasn't prompted me for a profile. The way I handled the profile prompt before, was to add a line of code like this: objMAPISession.Logon ProfileName:=GetRegistryEntry(HKEY_USERS, ".Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles", "DefaultProfile") to my code, which obviously went out to that key/subkey to find the user's profile.

Calvin Smith
"Real-world Source Code Solutions"

Rodger wrote in message
Hi all,

Has anyone use Outlook to send out a mass e-mail? I have a list of people that I e-mail all the same thing. I have every thing all set, but when Outlook load it wants a profile. I am using docmd.sendobject. and filling in the appropriate parameters, but I do not see how to get around the profile part.

Thanks in advance for your help.
