The following code snippet demonstrates how a developer can parse
strings from within strings. NOTE: This code was graciously provided by a WEB forum member many years ago. Although it lacks error handling, it is an invaluable tool.

Function GetToken(strFrom As String, intWhich As Integer, strSeparator As String)

    ' Pull the requested token from strFrom, delimited by
    ' strSeparator.
    ' Example:  GetToken("23,34,45,56,67", 3, ",")
    ' would return "45"
    ' Example: GetToken("This is a test of how this works", 4, " ")
    ' would return "test"

    Dim intPos As Integer
    Dim intPos1 As Integer
    Dim intcount As Integer

    intPos = 0
    For intcount = 0 To intWhich - 1
        intPos1 = InStr(intPos + 1, strFrom, strSeparator)
        If intPos1 = 0 Then
            intPos1 = Len(strFrom) + 1
        End If
        If intcount <> intWhich - 1 Then
            intPos = intPos1
        End If
    Next intcount
    If intPos1 > intPos Then
        GetToken = Mid$(strFrom, intPos + 1, intPos1 - intPos - 1)
        GetToken = Null
    End If

End Function