Author: Calvin Smith

The following code will allow a developer to programmatically
parse a filename from a path.

Function ParseFileNameFromPath(strPathAndFileName As String) As String

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Author: Calvin Smith -
' Environment(s): MS Access (32-bit) / Visual Basic (32-bit)
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'   *****************************************
'   * Courtesy code from my CodeDisk© product
'   *****************************************
   ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ' Purpose: Example of how to parse a filename from a full path
   ' Accepts: strPathAndFileName as the fully qualified path and filename
   ' Returns: The parsed filename
   ' Example: strRetVal = ParseFileNameFromPath("C:\CodeDisk\CodeDisk.exe")
   ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
On Error GoTo ErrorHandling_Err

          Dim iFoundWhere As Integer

          Dim iReStartHere As Integer

          ParseFileNameFromPath$ = strPathAndFileName$

          iFoundWhere% = InStr(strPathAndFileName$, "\")

          Do While iFoundWhere%

                    iReStartHere% = iFoundWhere%
                    iFoundWhere% = InStr(iReStartHere% + 1, strPathAndFileName$, "\")


          If iReStartHere% > 0 Then ParseFileNameFromPath$ = _
                    Mid$(strPathAndFileName$, iReStartHere% + 1)

   Exit Function


   If Err Then
       MsgBox Err.Description
       Resume ErrorHandling_Exit
   End If

End Function