Calvin Smith '********************************************************************* '************* Courtesy Code From My AllWordCode Product ************* '********************************************************************* Function CallWordMacro() As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorHandling_Err ' ------------------------------------------------------------ ' Purpose: Example of how to call a Word macro from your app ' ' Accepts: Nothing ' ' Returns: True, if successful, otherwise False ' ' Example usage: ' bRetVal= CallWordMacro() ' ' NOTE: Reminder to reference the MS Word Object 9.0 Library ' prior to calling this procedure. ' ------------------------------------------------------------ Dim oApp As Object Set oApp = CreateObject("Word.Application") oApp.Visible = True oApp.Run MacroName:="YourMacroNameHere" oApp.Quit Set oApp = Nothing CallWordMacro = (Err = 0) ErrorHandling_Err: If Err Then 'Trap your error(s) here, if any! End If End Function